Klantenservice & Veelgestelde vragen

Noordervesting 2 (no visiting address)
1141 SR Monnickendam
The Netherlands

Tel: +31 650 298 732
URL: www.pianocarpet.nl
Email: [email protected]
KvK: 5166 7606

1 General questions
1.1 Is a Pianocarpet just a nice carpet?

A pianocarpet is not a normal carpet but is equipped with a heatshield. Placing only this heatshield under your piano does not look nice and therefore we use a carpet to incorporate this heatshield.

1.2 Why is it not advisable to place isolation material or wood on the bottom of your piano?

Do not do this!
A piano is an instrument which is not closed up for 100%. This has its reasons. Now there is enough space for the instrument to ventilate, to let through sound and vibrations.

Closing up the piano with whatever material means that air with a high humidity cannot go anywhere but stay in the piano with the consequence of mould, rust, problems like rupture of the sound board and pin block, problems with the mechanism, etc.
Closing up the bottom of the piano will cause serious problems.

1.3 Where do I better not place my piano?

A few examples: never on underfloor heating without protection of a Pianocarpet, never in the full sun, never near a heating space, never near a fire place, not in a damp, a not isolated cellar or garage or box or shed or garden house

1.4 What are the risks if I do so?

Cracks and ruptures in the soundboard and pin block, problems with the mechanism, mould, your piano will not stay on tune, etc.

1.5 I already have a humidifier do I steel need a Pianocarpet?

It is the combination of both that is in important.
A pianocarpet is always necessary if you place the piano on a floor with underfloor heating. If you only use a humidifier than you do not address the fact of rising warm air flowing through your piano.

If you have underfloor heating you have 2 problems:
1: Rising warm air which dehydrates your instrument
2: Due to the way of heating the humidity is relatively low.
With a humidifier you solve the second problem but your piano is not protected enough. Using a pianocarpet the warm rising air wild be diverted and does not rise up right into the piano. That is why a combination of both is important.

1.6 I already have a pianocarpet, do I still need a humidifier?

Underfloor heating causes in most cases a low relative humidity (RL). The best thing to do is always measure the air around your piano. If this is to low we advise you to use a humidifier. A pianocarpet is the first protection against underfloor heating, humidifying the air is the second.

1.7 Does Pianocarpet have a preference for a type of humidifier?

There are several ways to humidify.
There is not on that is especially effective.

1.8 Why is a Pianocarpet produced in the Netherlands and not in low-cost-country?

It is all about the technique of our heatshield, the lifespan, the used materials and quality of the product. A Pianocarpet looks like a normal carpet but is certainly is not!

Producing the carpet in the Netherlands means that we have good control over the procedure and the used materials. In this way we sell a good product and a perfect solution for a big problem.

1.9 Why an extra charge for a Pianocarpet in another color than black?

The Pianocarpet is a heatshield which is produced in the Netherlands. Over 90% of the orders are for the color black. Therefor we can produce this in large numbers which reduces the cost. Because other colors are not ordered as many the costs are higher to produce these carpets.

1.10 Do you deliver in other countries?


2 Measurements pianocarpet
2.1 In which sizes is a Pianocarpet available?

Pianocarpet small: 151 x 32 cm
Pianocarpet large: 151 x 58 cm
Pianocarpet custom made we can go as far as 4-meter width.

2.2 Which Pianocarpet is the right size for me?

Measure the bottom of your piano. Length and width.
If the size of your piano is under or the same as 151 x 58 cm, a Pianocarpet large is your size.
If the size of your piano is under or the same as 151 x 32 cm, a Pianocarpet small is your size.
If you like an exact size you can order this by the button: pianocarpet custom made

2.3 On what sizes is the Pianocarpet based on?

The size of a regular Pianocarpet is based on the most sold pianos in the word and fits almost 95% of all pianos sold.

2.4 Why is it possible that a pianoarpet can have a deviation from the stated size of max 2%?

The grandpianocarpet is hand made. In the carpet textile is incorporated and because textile has no firm structure a deviation can develop of max 2%.

3 Measurements grandpianocarpet
3.1 Which grandpianocarpet is the right size for me?

To determine that you will need 2 sizes.
1: The width of you grandpiano, measured on the outside of the keyboard.  
2: The length of you grandpiano measured from the middle of the keyboard till the end of the grandpiano. 
With these sizes you can determine which size fits you most.
If you like an exact size you can order this by the button: grandpiano custom made

3.2 Why is it possible that a grandpianoarpet can have a deviation from the stated size of max 2%?

The grandpianocarpet is hand made. In the carpet textile is incorporated and because textile has no firm structure a deviation can develop of max 2%.

4 Pianocarpets and grandpianocarpets custom made
4.1 Are pianocarpets and grandpianocarpets only available in black?

You can order Pianocarpet in many different colors, see our website.

We can send you color samples at your request.

You can send an email to [email protected] with your name, address, telephone number, email address and the numbers of the desired color samples and we will contact you.

We deliver world wide. From the UK to the US. Do not hesitate and contact us with any question you have.

You order always save at Pianocarpet! Greetings Richard you personal contact at Pianocarpet.

5 Delivery times Piano and Grandpiano carpets?
5.1 What is the delivery time of a regular piano- and grandpianocarpet?

After receiving your payment, a regular black carpet will be shipped within 5 working days.
A Pianocarpet in another color than black or custom made will be shipped within 12 working days.

5.2 What is the delivery time of a pianocarpet custom made?

After receiving your payment, the carpet will be shipped within 12 working days.

5.3 What is the delivery time of a grandpianocarpet custom made?

After receiving your payment, the carpet will be shipped within 12 working days.

5.4 Why does it say: shipped within (..) working days and is not the exact time shown?

We want to offer you information you can rely on.
We can give you correct information when your order is shipped but we cannot guarantee when the delivery service delivers due to unexpected reasons. For instance, holidays, circumstances beyond control like bad weather.
You will receive a track & trace code so you can follow your order.

5.5 Track & Trace code received, but information about delivery is nog available yet.

As soon as we receive your order a Track & Trace code is made.
you can follow the delivery of you order from the moment on that the delivery service has picked up you order for delivery. The time before, the time that you order is produced the Track & Trace code is not active jet.

6 Relative humidity (RL)
6.1 What is the relative humidity (RL)?

Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air expressed as a percentage of the maximum that the air could hold. Outside the RL lies between 20 and 100 % but also inside this can vary. The best rate inside is between 45% and 60%. To measure this you can use a hygrometer.

6.2 What is the ideal RL for my piano?

When the pointer of the hygrometer is between 45-60%.

6.3 How can I measure the RL?

You can do this with a hairhygrometer which you can order on our website.

6.4 What can I do if the RL is too high?

The first step is to ventilate the space the piano is in. If this is not sufficient enough we advise you to ask a pianotuner to take a look at the piano and let him decide what the best solutions are.

6.5 What problems will I experience by a low RL?

Ruptures in the soundboard, severe problems with the mechanism

6.6 What can I do if the RL is to low?

Than it is essential that you humidify the air.
There are several humidifiers available from simple to complex. Our advice is start with a simple one like a hydroceel. If you pianotuner notices that this is not enough you can always switch to a more advanced system.

6.7 What problems will I experience by a high RL?

Rust on the tuning pin and strings, mould, damage to the housing of your piano due to the effect of the wood.

6.8 In what period is the RL high?

In general between April and November, when is does not freeze.

6.9 In what period is the RL low?

In general between December and March. As long as it can freeze and you use you heating.